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Solve Any Problem-Premature Ejaculation Help

Everyone agrees that the best way to solve any problem is to address its root cause.

But when it comes to premature ejaculation, or the inability of a man to consistently last as long as he desires during sex, it gets tricky because experts cannot pinpoint a single organic or physical cause of premature ejaculation.

Many experts agree that premature ejaculation is a result of a complex set of chain reaction that starts psychologically or in the mind when a man is sexually stimulated.

It then gets physical cues from the nerve endings that are stimulated during sex. Due to the complexity of the cause of premature ejaculation, a comprehensive and real solution should also seek to address the many different points that contribute to it.

Several manuals that offer to train men on how to last longer during sex address the problem both psychologically and physically.

Part of the psychological solution is dispelling myths that surround premature ejaculation, especially its association with the lack of sexual expertise. It also deals with reducing performance anxiety which can result in self fulfilling premature ejaculation.

One such manual, called the Prejaculation Manual, takes one step further and teaches men how to channel this anxiety or mental energy to something more productive, pleasurable and effective.

This scale, called the Stimulation Awareness Scale, is important in identifying and addressing premature ejaculation, insists Edward White, the man behind the Prejaculation Manual.

The scale is central to learning the techniques that show men how to use sexual positions and exercises to extend their sexual stamina. This is because it teaches them to become aware of their own limits and how to work within these limits while working their way to building higher tolerance for pleasure.

Aside from psychological solutions, physical steps are also taken to help men last longer in bed. Premature ejaculation manuals work for men and for couples. Aside from addressing the issue of premature ejaculation, these manuals also teach men how to become better lovers overall.